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Minecraft: H4cKer
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FACTION about 1 year ago

video upload 3/3 video show what import to have

+ Bandits (means mv world, with base like Level 1, level 2, Level 3, base for raid)
+ random world loot (Spawn chest on random location in world show cords in chat and need for rare low 100 clicks for open or rare good 300 click to open it)


+ 2 week greece period  (2 week nobody can raid they stocks from STORE or for Play)

+ 15 week tnt period ( 8 week they can raid each others) ]every 2 weeks F top /payout[

+ add faction sheilds they can put when they think can't play etc.. 10hrs 

+ outpost, koth, custom events every weekend like pvp event or parkour for /gold or /gems price.

+ more special items like /cointainers, /perks, /books, etc... like show on video what i sent it check links

+ for stay players need rewards sistem for next (join discord like 50 gems) (follow instagram 20 gems) (follow twiter "X" 20gems) and etc. they will do it for gems but they stay on Discord,x,instagram and follow annoncements.

+ Playtimereward (give players every 2hrs on server some rewards that will give they use more alts results of more players on server)

+ give all players when they join 1h free fly they can go every they want for find spot for base that easy from autorank creates after 1h they will not have till buy or have of rank

+ made more keys for open ofc Vote shi* items and maybe 0.5% for something good like 5 items that they will made for voting more or get alts for vote with vpn like i do on Centrix :D

+ make good payouts for buycraft on server page that not cost any of you but you can earn of they buy gold, gems

+ add much tags what they can buy

+ add lottyle

+ add cf /coinflip

+ add xf /xpflip

+ add genbucks for oby,ice,sand,stone,dirt

+ add quests

i have much more to add "to say what need add" but i don't have more time to typed it :D

+ for this crates they can get not key when buy they can get chest and open it but can get key in and go there open when they get chest can open anywhere.

video 1: https://youtu.be/vtH4nO_1pj8
video 2: https://youtu.be/dRQbcw8PvNI
video 3: https://youtu.be/H2Jx3HBGdhE

Maybe quality not good bcs it's just now upload but it will be good after.


FACTION about 1 year ago

hello this is start

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//create javascript to give the image in .MsoNormal a class called zooming-image